1-The first difference, are when in the film use guns and in the book use swords.
2-The second difference, the Prince in the book are the Police in the film.
3-Another difference, is that in the film the mother of Romeo died and in the film she not died.
4-Fourth difference, is in the book the it is in the middle ages and in the movie in the conteporany age.
5-Fifth difference, in the book the families are just rich and in the film are gangsters.
6- Six difference, in the book Juliet not wake up until Romeo dies and in the film she wake up before he died.
7- Seven difference, in the book Paris died and in the film Paris didn't die.
8- Eight difference, in the book the families fight in the square and in the film they fight in the beach.
9-Nine difference, in the book there are action and in the film has a lot more action.
10-Tenth difference, the book Juliet kills herself with a dagger and in the film with a gun.
11-Another difference, in the film are a lot of people of different countries.
12-In the film Romeo and Juliet meet in a fishing bowl and in the book there is no an fishing bowl.
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