dijous, 17 de desembre del 2015

My Horror

In my life I have several things that make me afraid,
but one of the things I'm most afraid of is oral exhibitions. When I hear that I have to make my body trembles, literally. I so scary make oral presentations because I am very ashamed to speak in public. I do not want to be ashamed but when I have to speak in public scares me, because it is part of my personality that I can not change but overcome with time.

divendres, 4 de desembre del 2015

My Brother

Hello, my name is Karima and i talk about how important is for me my brother.
My brother is an intelligent boy, likeable, friendly and a little stubbom.
He have 18 years old and he studies computer in Figueres.
I love her because he understands me in all the things that happen to me.
I think it is because we are almost the same age, and because we have the same way of thinking.

Two men is an electric scale

We've all been there – walking down an escalator and then someone at the top shouts, “Free burgers!” What else is there to do but attempt to run up the escalator the wrong way?
s from the large crowd that gathered below to watch the attempt. We just hope those burgers were worth it!

attempt: intentar                                                
gathered: reunió
hilarity: una situació divertida

Two men are in a shopping centre, in a escalator and  
lisen they are food free, they must run up the escalator
and the people start to cheer.

My Hero

Resultado de imagen de prince eaThis is my hero, Richard Williams better known by his stage name Princ ea. Is famous for his videos on youtube about political, sociology and life things.
He have 27 years old. He was born in Sant Louis.
He is rapper and he makes videos on youtube.
His challenge is motivate people to do what they want.
Ilike this persone because when i'm sad i look his videos and i reanimate.

dimarts, 29 de setembre del 2015

My Bucket List

  • Fly with ballons
  • Finished my studies.
  • Travel.
  • Work.
  • Be more outgoing.